A lawn with brown patch fungus can quickly become an eyesore. The good news is you can treat brown patch fungus with the right approach. This will restore your lawn’s health and beauty. In this guide, we’ll explore the causes of brown patch fungus. We’ll also cover how to spot its symptoms. And, we’ll look at the best ways to remove it from your lawn.

The Brown Patch Fungus

Have you heard of brown patch fungus? Known as Rhizoctonia solani, it can be a problem for lawns. The growth of this bothersome fungus tends to be accelerated when the weather is warm and humid. Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, and perennial ryegrass are some of the cool-season grasses that it particularly enjoys upsetting.

The thing about brown patch fungus is it’s not very picky. It’ll sneak its way into grass plants through any little openings or wounds in the foliage, causing all sorts of trouble. It grows and spreads there rapidly in good conditions.

Ever wondered what causes brown patch? Your lawn can get it if you use too much nitrogen, not enough air, your soil is too squished, you’re drowning it in water, or you’re using an old mower blade. Keep an eye out if your lawn has a lot of thatch or piles of debris.

To tackle a brown patch, you’ve got to spot the signs early. When you catch it early, it’s easier to deal with and stop spreading. Keep an eye out and take care of it ASAP to prevent brown patches on your lawn! Common symptoms of brown patch fungus include:

  • The patches are circular or irregular. They are brown or yellowish. They range from a few inches to several feet in diameter.
  • Smoky or halo-like rings of darkened grass at the edges of affected patches.
  • The grass blades are thinning or wilting in the patches. They may look water-soaked or greasy in humid conditions.
  • Fungi cause white or gray growth on grass blades. This happens, especially in humid periods.

You must tell brown patch fungus apart from other lawn issues. The main ones are drought stress, insect damage, and nutrient deficiencies. The brown patch fungus usually affects a lot of turfgrass. It does so in circular or irregular patterns. Other problems may have different patterns or cause damage in small areas. Ask a lawn care expert or extension specialist about the symptoms in your lawn if you’re not sure.

Treatment Options for Brown Patch Fungus

Restore your turf’s health and get rid of the disease. Effective treatment strategies for brown patch fungus fall into several categories:

  • To improve soil drainage and aeration, aerate compacted soil. Also, reduce thatch buildup by dethatching.
  • Avoid overwatering. Water lawns deeply and infrequently. This promotes deep roots and reduces surface moisture.
  • You need to adjust your mowing practices so your turf stays at the right height. Cut off no more than one third of the grass at a time.
  • Use balanced fertilizers on lawns. Do this judiciously to avoid too much nitrogen. High nitrogen can make brown patch fungus worse.
  • Use fungicides made to control brown patch fungus. Follow the label carefully. It has the right dose and how to apply.
  • Choose fungicides with active ingredients like azoxystrobin, propiconazole, or chlorothalonil. They have been shown to effectively suppress brown patch fungus.
  • Treat the affected areas and nearby turf to stop the disease from spreading. This will ensure complete coverage.
  • Use organic fungicides. Neem oil, garlic extract, or potassium bicarbonate are common ingredients. They suppress brown patch fungus without synthetic chemicals.
  • Apply compost tea or liquid seaweed extract to improve soil health. They promote beneficial microbes, which can help fight fungal pathogens.

Lawn Brown Patches Treatment Strategies

This is how to treat brown patch fungus in your lawn:

  • Assess The Damage. Inspect your lawn for signs of brown patch fungus. These include circular patches of discolored or wilting grass.
  • Improve Lawn Care Practices. Use cultural management to fix issues that cause brown patch. These issues include soil compaction, thatch, and bad watering or fertilization.
  • Select Treatment Products. Choose fungicides or organic remedies. Base your choice on the severity of the brown patch outbreak and your lawn care preferences.
  • Follow label instructions carefully when applying fungicides or organic remedies to affected areas. Make sure to cover the area well and use the right amount.
  • Monitor Progress: Check treated areas often. Look for improvement or for brown patch symptoms coming back. If your treatment isn’t working, tweak it. Life gets busy, and maintaining your lawn can seem like a chore. Professional lawn care can get all the hard work done for you, so your lawn looks great.

Monitor and Follow-Up

After treating brown patch fungus, you must monitor your lawn. You need to do follow-up treatments or adjustments as needed. Keep a close eye on treated areas. Watch for signs of disease suppression. These include regrowth of healthy grass and reduction of brown patch symptoms. If brown patch fungus keeps coming back despite treatment, consider asking a lawn care professional for more help and advice.

To prevent brown patch fungus and keep a healthy lawn, use long-term strategies. These include ongoing cultural management practices. Also, do regular monitoring for disease symptoms. And, intervene proactively to address issues promptly. By prioritizing proper lawn care and using effective treatments, you can treat brown patch fungus. Then, you can enjoy a vibrant, resilient lawn all year.


Treating brown patch fungus in your lawn needs a multi-faceted approach. It must address the underlying issues that contribute to disease. It must also use effective treatments to kill the fungus. You can restore your lawn’s health by understanding the causes and symptoms of brown patch fungus. Then, select appropriate treatments and use proactive lawn care. Remember to watch treated areas closely. Adjust as needed. Prioritize long-term prevention to reduce the risk of brown patch coming back. With diligence and care, you can have a lush, green lawn. It will add beauty and value to your outdoor space for years to come.

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